Grim Poppy Design

Book Cover Design

Premades $20-$40 Full Wraps

New premades $30-$50 Full Wraps

$60-$90 Full Wraps

Full Wrap Premades $40

Premade Series $60- $90 Full Wraps

Logos $10


I'll try to keep this short and sweet, but I wanted to introduce myself! I also wanted to give y'all some background on why I've started Grim Poppy and what I hope to see come from it.So, first things first, Hi. 👋 My name is Christy Aldridge.I am a writer as well. I've published 7 books, all in the horror genre, and have been featured in some very lovely anthologies. I'm an indie writer all the way. Writing, editing, formatting, marketing, AND cover design. Most of my books feature my own designs. I love horror.Because I understand the indie struggle, and because I loved designing covers so much, I knew I wanted to venture into cover design. But I also knew I wanted to offer an affordable alternative. Because let's face it, self-publishing can get expensive. 😬With Grim Poppy, I can take another love of mine and also give back to the horror community that has helped and inspired me so much.My designs are usually a mix of modern and vintage b-horror styles. Because I want someone to look at your book and KNOW it's gonna be scary. I want you to reveal that cover and people want to see that on their shelf. I want to convey that image you had while writing.My designs are also here to inspire you! Some are very specific and I'm excited to see them inspire stories. Even if that story doesn't end up with my cover, I just love how creativity can inspire creativity.My prices are what they are because I know how expensive this process can be. And if you can find a cover you love so you can redirect that money to editing or marketing, then my job is done. 👏With Grim Poppy, I hope to expand to even more intricate styles. I want to include more of my own hand drawn art (because I am a mediocre artist that wants to challenge herself) and be able to offer more in the custom design area of cover design.I'm much more comfortable in premades, but I really want to offer that cover you dream of too!So basically, that's me. My story. My dreams. My plan. I appreciate those of you who are sharing my work, buying it, and obviously liking it. I truly do appreciate it.
